Heavy Duty Hydraulic Bottle Jack (Various Capacity)


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How to use the bottle jack?

You place the bottle jack under the vehicle, screw the saddle until the saddle reaches the jacking point of the vehicle (me personally I’d put a piece of wood between the saddle and jacking point to avoid scratches or marks on the vehicle). When the bottle jack is in a secure place under the vehicle and you’re happy to go ahead, grab the handle that was in the box, connect the handle to the socket on the piston assembly and start pumping. The vehicle will start to rise. When you are finished with the bottle jack and want your vehicle lowered, there is a release valve on the jack and the vehicle should start to lower down. Then you will have to screw down the saddle.

*Also remember to put Axle stands for extra security when the vehicle is lifted*

Features and Benefits of a Bottle Jack?

  • Lifts more weight while being light weight itself
  • Cost Effective
  • Easy to Use
  • Improved Stability
  • Compact

Why choose this product?

Bottle Jacks should be an essential part of every professional workshop and home garage setup. I’d even have it in my boot setup. I would take the Bottle Jack over the Scissor Jack that’s usually standard in most boot setups. Also Bottle Jacks comes in different sizes that hold different weights.



Does the saddle twist before you pump the bottle jack?

No, you have to pump the ram to the up to the jacking point and then you can twist the saddle to ensure it’s at the right height.

Additional information


5T, 12T, 20T, 32T, 50T, 100T



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